Emma as Circe c.1782 by George Romney ©Tate bequeathed by Lady Wharton 1945 |
Emma Hamilton was the “It Girl” of the 18
th c, a
shooting star whose trajectory took her from poverty to international celebrity
and back to poverty again. She has always been remembered as the mistress who
captured the heart of the nation’s hero, Horatio Nelson. But as this new
exhibition at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich shows, this was only
one part of an extraordinary life. The daughter of a Cheshire blacksmith, Emma entranced
Europe with her beauty and achievements and was feted by kings and queens. Yet
in the end she was imprisoned for debt and died in poverty in Calais.
Emma in a white head-dress 1784-85 by George Romney ©National Portrait Gallery, London |
exhibition presents her story as a play in four acts, bringing together more
than 200 objects – paintings, personal letters, prints, costume and jewellery –
that illuminate her dramatic life.
One: Becoming Emma, encapsulates her early years.
Born Emy Lyon in 1765, her father died when
she was two months old and, raised by her mother, a servant, she had no formal
schooling. At the age of 12 she made her way to London and Covent Garden, where
high culture and fashionable celebrity met a grimy underworld of sexual
exploitation. She became the mistress of a young nobleman, but was rejected by
him when, just 16, she became pregnant. A letter in the exhibition to an admirer,
Charles Greville shows her despair:
“O G, what shall I dow what shall I dow...
what else am but a girl in distress, in reall distress..... tell me what is to
become on me.” He came to her rescue, installed her in a house with her mother,
made provision for the child and introduced her to the great portrait artist,
George Romney.
Emma as Circe 1782 by George Romney. ©Waddesdon, The Rothschild Collection |
She became his muse, and he painted her dozens of times in
different roles – as Circe, Cassandra, Medea, a bacchante, Ariadne, Miranda,
even St Cecilia. Fourteen of these portraits are on display, along with copies
that were sold in print shops to an avid public.
Emma as Absence (Ariadne) c.1786 by George Romney ©National Maritime Museum |
Greville, however, needed a wealthy wife, and Emma, now
famous, was a hindrance. So, as we discover in Act Two: International Celebrity,
he sent her, ostensibly for a holiday, to his uncle, Sir William Hamilton, the
British envoy in Naples. In fact, she was being handed over to be his mistress.
When Emma discovered the truth, she was devastated and wrote angry and pleading
letters to Greville that went unanswered.
Emma dancing the tarantella c1791 by William Lock ©The Jean Kislak Collection |
Eventually, intelligent and
enterprising as she was, she determined to make the best of her circumstances
and set about improving and educating herself - with the encouragement of Sir
She studied the classics, languages, history, singing and dancing. She
used her experience of modelling for Romney to create her own performance art:
the ‘attitudes’, small, wordless plays (recreated in a memorable video for the
exhibition) that brought to life the paintings and sculptures that drew foreign
tourists to Italy. They charmed Sir William’s many guests, and were copied by
other female artists.

Emma devised a simple Grecian-style white dress,
accessorised with a shawl, for her performances, popularising a fashion that
spread all over Europe. A deep affection grew between her and Sir William, a
widower. In 1791 he married her, and
Emma made an incredible leap up the social ladder to become Lady Hamilton. As
confidante and favourite of the Queen of Naples and Sicily, Maria Carolina, she
came to wield considerable political power. She helped the Royal Family escape
from an uprising and was awarded the Order of Malta for arranging shiploads of
corn to be sent to the island’s starving population during a siege. Nelson
later wrote:
“The British fleet under my
command could never have returned.... to Egypt had not Lady Hamilton’s
influence with the Queen of Naples caused letters to be wrote... to encourage
the fleet to be supplied with everything.”
Arrival of Vanguard with Admiral Nelson at Naples 22 Sept 1798 attrib. Giacomo Guardi© National Maritime Museum |
When Nelson arrived back in Naples
after his victory at the Battle of the Nile, she organised lavish celebrations
in his honour. She wrote:
“God, what a Victory.....My dress from head to foot
is alla Nelson. My earrings are Nelson’s anchors. In short, we are be-Nelsoned
all over.” (The exhibition has a flounce of her dress embroidered with his
name (below).
The inevitable happened – their mutual admiration turned into love. But
both were already married. You can read one of his earliest letters to her, agonizing
over the difficulties of their situation:
“No separation no time..... can alter
my love and affection for you, it is founded on the truest principles of honor
and it only remains for us to regret... that there are any obstacles to our
being united in the closest ties of this Worlds rigid rules, as we are in those
of real love.” When the ageing Sir William, who seemingly tolerated the
relationship, was recalled to Britain, Nelson travelled overland with them,
welcomed and feted at every stop.
Merton Place in Surry, Seat of Admiral Lord Nelson 1804 after Edward Hawke Locker ©National Maritime Museum |
Act Three: Constructing Paradise, sees the
three of them back in London, the scandalous affair public knowledge. Emma became pregnant, but tried to keep it a secret. Their
daughter, Horatia, born in 1801, was given into the long-time care of a nurse and
her parentage disguised. The lovers longed for a quiet, domestic life. Nelson,
separated from his wife, bought them a rather dilapidated country house, Merton
Place, which Emma did her best to turn into a home. But the navy sent him back
to sea and from then until his death at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 they
had little time together. Emma, however, was always in his thoughts.
Emma, Lady Hamilton 1800 Johannn Heinrich Schmidt ©National Maritime Museum |
In the last Act, Falling Star, we see the portrait of her that hung in his cabin and one
of a pair of betrothal rings that they exchanged.
Fede or betrothal ring 1800-05 ©National Maritime Museum |
Before the Battle of Trafalgar he added a codicil to his will:
“I leave Emma
Lady Hamilton therefore a legacy to my King and Country that they will give her
an ample provision to maintain her Rank in life...” As he lay dying he asked
that his pigtail (below) be cut off and sent to her.
Emma never recovered from the
tragedy of his death. The final item in the exhibition is the uniform coat that
he wore during the battle (below), pierced by the bullet that killed him. It was
grudgingly returned to Emma, and was seen arranged beside her on her bed, as she lay
there, grief-stricken.
The government
ignored Nelson’s request that she be looked after, and his estate, apart from
Merton Place, went to his brother. Emma, lampooned by cartoonists, tried to maintain her fashionable
lifestyle but things became increasingly difficult without a man to support and
protect her. (Sir William had died in 1803.) In 1813 she was arrested for debt
and sent to King’s Bench Prison. Friends helped arrange her release the
following year and with Horatia (who may never have been told Emma was her
mother) she fled to Calais. Her health, damaged by alcohol, finally gave way and
she died there, destitute, in January 1815 at the age of 49.
Admiral Nelson 1800 Johann Heinrich Schmidt ©National Maritime Museum |
In the years that followed, Nelson’s reputation grew, outshining her
achievements and reducing her story to that of a great man’s seductive
mistress. The curator of this fascinating exhibition, Quintin Colville, succeeds brilliantly in the long-overdue
job of rehabilitating Emma as a dazzling woman who did her best to fight through
the barriers and conventions of a man’s world. Interestingly, the story also invokes uncomfortable parallels
with the perils of today’s celebrity-obsessed culture.
Emma Hamilton - Seduction and Celebrity is at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich until 17 April 2017. Admission £14 (concessions)