Wilmington Giant (©Victoria and Albert Museum), carved into a hillside, is seen through a barbed-wire fence; the
White Horse of Westbury is glimpsed through the window of a train carriage, as
if someone rushed to take a photo, but didn’t hold the camera straight. November 5 (Private Collection) shows back gardens on Guy Fawkes night. You look down at firework parties and
excited crowds, but then see that in one back yard revellers are wearing animal
heads – a pagan ritual, perhaps?
In 1939 Ravilious was invited to become an official war
artist, with the rank of honorary captain in the Royal Marines. He worked in the UK, the Arctic, Norway and Iceland, his subjects
ranging from the meticulous portrayal of the control rooms below London to ship
convoys, bomb-defusing operations, gunfire, warplanes in action and life in the
confined quarters of a submarine. (Below: Hurricane in Flight, Private Collection).
In 1942 he flew to Iceland with the RAF and
joined an air-sea rescue mission, only to be lost when his aircraft
disappeared. He was 39. (Below:Midnight Sun © Tate London).
The exhibition takes a thematic approach to his too-brief career, showing
how Ravilious integrated rather than abandoned many of his ideas and instincts
when he became a war artist. It starts with Relics and Curiosities - paintings
that reveal the artist's fascination with interesting objects – then moves on
to Interiors, Figures and Forms, Place and Seasons, Changing Perspectives and
Darkness and Light, with excellent explanations and descriptions by the
curator, James Russell. It’s the first
major exhibition of Ravilious’s works to concentrate on his paintings rather
than his print-making, and shows why he is now regarded as one of the 20th
century’s finest watercolourists. I'd seen only isolated examples of his art in the past, so having so many paintings brought together and put in context was a real revelation. Thoroughly recommended.
Dulwich Picture Gallery, to August 31
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